Indoor plants - a quick way to get positive house environment

What are indoor plants?

Plants are very important in our daily life which provides us oxygen, freshness and purity as well as let us keep up the good health. Believe it or not, you can flex your green thumb without stepping foot outside. Many plants not only thrive indoors but can also lend to a natural decorative appeal. A bit of greenery can create an organic aesthetic, liven up your home, and add a pop of color to an otherwise neutral space.

Indoor plants are such plants that can be grown inside of your house and does not require much of a special caring and also takes less water.

Benefits of planting indoor plants in your Living space:

  • Indoor plants do increase the level of moisture in the house because of which leads to refreshed mood and keeps your skins healthy. So you don’t have to rely upon chemicals and artificial products such as room-fresheners and moisturizers to create a positive environment. This was proved in 1980s study conducted by NASA on plants scrubbing contaminants from air.
  • A study in 2007 showed that people with more plants in their workspace took fewer sick days and were more productive on job because they felt relaxed and secure because of the level of positivity in their workspace.
  • It is also very beneficial for our mental health because indoor plant helps reduce level of anxiety and increases attentiveness and memory. university of Michigan study found that keeping the plant indoors increases concentration by up to 20%.
  • Indoor plants give restful sleep. Since indoor plants has been proven to reduce stress and increase productivity and positive environment, these directly or indirectly affects your sleep and if your day went well you will definitely get good and restful sleep.
  • In a study done by Kansas state university, it has been revealed that keeping the plant in the room of surgery patients heals their wounds faster.

These were just some fewer benefits while indoor plants have many such benefits which is been proven by many organizations and studies made by very well recognized institutes and universities.

The best remedy is a remedy by nature which can’t be fulfilled by machines and artificial products so that is why we are listing 5 indoor plants which you should plant in your home and create it good and positive environment also these plants are:

  • Easy to plant.
  • Needs less attention.
  • Can be grown on anywhere at your home.
  • With less soil and provides high quality benefits.
  • These are also child and animal friendly.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that is known for treating a myriad of ailments and health conditions for thousands of years. You can use aloe vera directly from the plant as it is quite safe and edible too.

  • Aloe vera is used in the treatment of gastro.
  • It controls the blood sugar.
  • It is excellent for mouth ulcer and for sores.
  • It also removes cancer, piles, sunburn, stretchmarks.
  • It also removes dandruff and is pretty good for hairs.

2. Tulsi (Basil)

Tulsi is considered very important in both Ayurveda and nature therapy. Its essential oils cure many diseases. The best medicine for our breathing system. Many people do drink this with in tea and is also an active ingredient in many dishes.
  • The anti-oxidant present in it prove to be effective in reducing heart rate as well as in diabetes and heart problems.
  • It is immunity booster. It provides Energy to fight with many infections.
  • This is an effectives treatment for skin disorders, etchings.
  • Tulsi decoction provides relief in cold, cough, fever, sore throat, chest and flu, etc.
  • It is very beneficial for the patient of diabetes.

3. Lavender

Lavender is an evergreen plant native to the Mediterranean. Its flower and oil have a popular scent and are also used as medicine. Lavender contains an oil that seems to have calming effects and might relax certain muscles.  
  • It is used to treat fatigue, stress, sleeplessness, body irritation, muscle-pain, dry-skin.
  • Lavender is rich in antiseptic gives relief in symptoms of PMS.
  • Using lavender oil aromatherapy along with standard pain medications seems to help reduce pain after surgery in some people.
  • Lavender reduces the symptoms of depression.
  • Everyone is looking for a reliable way to relax the body and mind, and lavender takes care of both. If you add these flowers to your bathwater and take a nice long soak, the anti-inflammatory components can help in reducing the inflammation.

4. Curry leaves

Curry leaves is generally used in cooking but it has many medicinal benefits that is why this indoor plant should be in your home.      
  • It increases your heart health and increases its efficiency also Increases heart’s immunity to fight with various infections.
  • Iron and folic acid present in it protects you from anaemia.
  • Curry leaves also control blood sugar leaves and helps you to fight with diabetes.
  • It is found in studies that curry leaves reduces bad cholesterol from our body and also increases our digestive capacity.
  • Curry leaves increases our eye-sight power as well.

5. Mint

an aromatic plant native to temperate regions of the Old World, several kinds of which are used as culinary herbs. mint gets its name from a mythic nymph named Minthe, The mint plant is common and a favourite of many gardeners, so it's easy to grow your own. As an herb, it is gluten-free and suitable for vegan, vegetarian, and paleo diets.
  • Mint provides cooling effect to mind and body due to it’s menthol aroma and due to its taste flavours its it used in many popular cuisines.
  • Mint is very affective in any digestion related problem and many digestive tablets and juices are made on mint as the main ingredient.
  • Mint also cures severe headache and reduces stress and tension and provides a chilling effect to the mind.
  • Mint is used as a mouth freshener to eliminate foul odour of breath and provides a long-lasting cooling breath.
  • It is sometimes effective in the case of allergy and asthma.


Indoor plants are the plants you can grow in the small space of home and also these plants are Easy to plant. Needs less attention, In short a great way for beginners to learn planting and to planting in less space. Aloe vera, Tulsi, Lavender, Curry leaves, Mint are the 5 plants you can plant very easily at your home and can get lots of health and beauty benefits from all of them and these plants can also act as very decorative plants for your house and increases the positive energy in the environment.
